Published Articles

Luck Egalitarianism and Covid-19: the case for compensating children for school closures.” (2023) Studies in Philosophy and Education. 42, 65-81.

An Uncertainty Argument for the Identified Lives Bias.” (2022) Journal of Applied Philosophy. 39:3, 504-518.

Frontline Healthcare Professionals’ Views Regarding the Impact of COVID-19 on Ethical Decision-Making: A Multicentre Mixed-Methods Study from Estonia.” (2022) Healthcare 10:4, 711. (with Kadri Simm and Kadi Lubi)

Psühhosotsiaalsed ja eetilised väljakutsed tervisealases kriisisituatsioonis: eesliini tervishoiutöötajate hinnangud ja kogemused COVID-19 pandeemia esimese laine näitel.” [Ethical and psychosocial challenges and decision-making during a public health emergency: the perceptions and experiences of frontline healthcare professionals during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic]. (2022) Eesti Arst 101:4, 214-223. (with Kadi Lubi, Kadri Simm, Kaja Lempu, and Angela Eensalu-Lind)

“‘Take the pill, it's only fair!’ Contributory fairness as an answer to Rose's  prevention paradox.” (2021) Public Health Ethics. 14:3, 221-232.

“"Other patients become a secondary priority:" Perceptions of Estonian frontline healthcare professionals on the influence of COVID-19 on health (in)equality and ethical decision-making.” (2021) Journal of Communications In Healthcare 15:1, 54−63. (with Kadi Lubi, Kadri Simm, Kaja Lempu, and Angela Eensalu-Lind)

Halbade uudiste edastamine patsientidele: tõerääkimise uuring Eesti arstide ja õdede seas [Communicating bad news to patients: a truth-telling study amongst Estonian physicians and nurses].” (2021) Eesti Arst, 100:9, 477−484. (with Kadri Simm, Reet Urban, Külliki Seppel, Dalia Dzaganija, and Liina Animägi)

The Sufficientarian Alternative: A commentary on Setting Health Care Priorities.” (2021) Diametros 18:68, 46-59.

Work in Progress

An article on indeterminacy and person-affecting moral principles

An article on contractualism and interpretations of probability

An article on nudging and epistemic risk