Conference, Colloquium, and Workshop Talks

“Counterfactual indeterminacy and the Narrow Person-affecting Principle”

06/2022 Nordic-Baltic Philosophy of Medicine Network Workshop, Greifswald, Germany. 

“How do we distribute risk fairly?: Epistemic Lotteries and the Separateness of Persons” 

06/2022 Bioethics and Political Philosophy: Nordic Perspectives, workshop on Well-Being, Beneficence, and Harm, Skalholt, Iceland.

“Epistemic Lotteries and the Separateness of Persons”

05/2022 Practical Philosophy Colloquium, Department of Philosophy, University of  Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.

“Counterfactual indeterminacy and the narrow person-affecting principle.”

11/2021 Practical Philosophy Colloquium, Department of Philosophy, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.

“Ethics, children, education and the COVID-19 pandemic” 

09/2021 Ethics, Children, Education, and the Covid-19 Pandemic, Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, University of Salzburg (via Zoom). 

“Luck Egalitarianism and Children” 

09/2021 EFAK (Estonian Annual Philosophy Conference) XVI, Tartu, Estonia.

“COVID-19 as a new indicator impelling health inequalities: the perceptions of frontline healthcare professionals in Estonia.” 

08/2021 15th European Sociological Association Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

“Telling the truth to the patient. An Estonian study.”

12/2019 Practical Philosophy Colloquium, Department of Philosophy, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.

“A Non-Comparative Notion of Harm as the Basis for Justified Claims in Healthcare”

11/2019 Bioethics and Political Philosophy: Nordic Perspectives Workshop on Justice, Aarhus, Denmark.

“On Health Evaluation”

06/2019 Nordic-Baltic Philosophy of Medicine Network Workshop, Tartu, Estonia

“Philosophy of Food for Public Health” 

06/2018 Nordic-Baltic Philosophy of Medicine Network Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark